Oct 11 – Bobby Broom and the Chicago Jazz Orchestra @ Chippewa Park – Des Plaines, IL

This Sunday, July 11th the Chicago Jazz Orchestra and International Recording Artist Bobby Broom Play Jazz in the Park.
The afternoon will start with Bobby and the CJO rhythm section, followed by Bobby Broom and the full CJO orchestra. Click on link below for exact location and parking.

See the pictures of the baseball diamond and field, that is open space for socially distanced jazz.
Here is how it works. This is a free concert and we ask you tip the musicians if you can. We have a link for donations through Paypal for the CJO. All CJO donations are tax deductible.
There will be a tip jar at the concert by the stage, and the link to the CJO Paypal is in the ticketing area.
Bring your lawn chair, picnic of choice…come listen to Internationally Renown artist Bobby Broom play with his friends in the trio and then the full orchestra. It will be an event to be remembered.


The park is lined with private residences, including the home where the stage is set up.

1. Please respect others property, stay within the park and DO NOT TRESPASS onto private property unless invited.

2.We expect jazz fans to know how to act as we all enjoy the day.
MAINTAIN SOCIAL DISTANCING and follow all guidelines. Even though it is an open park, use proper distancing and masks as the COVID protocol.

3. Be kind and loving to each other today. Please be respectful of each other and the musicians. You will hear original music that encourages and lifts us up together. Lets show the world how a community can act responsibly and generously.

Together we celebrate live music today. JAZZ